賽果公佈 Results Announcement

企業團體組 Corporate Team

獎項 Award 公司名稱及隊伍 Corporate & Group Name 
*冠軍 Champion 香港寬頻網絡有限公司-HKBNNOC 
*亞軍 1st Runner Up 大昌行集團-野人 
*季軍 2nd Runner Up 香港寬頻網絡有限公司-白飯任Team 
獎項 Award 公司名稱 Corporate Name
最高籌款奬 Top Fundraising Award 大昌行集團
*The details of Awards Presentation will be notified individually.

大會紀錄 Organizer Record

隊號 Team Number 組別 Categories 公司名稱 Corporate Name 隊名 Group Name 總分 Total Marks 完成時間 Finish Time
01 企業團體組 Expert Systems IVR (ASIA) Co., Ltd. (ESI) Expert Systems IVR (ASIA) Co., Ltd. (ESI) 2800 80'39"
02 企業團體組 壹壹科技有限公司  壹壹科技有限公司 (ALRIS) 2200 101'14"
03 企業團體組 Guna Technolgies Limited Guna Technologies Limited (GUNA) 3400 81'42"
04 企業團體組 偉易達企業服務有限公司  Team A (VTA) 3000 83'41"
05 企業團體組 偉易達企業服務有限公司  Team B (VTB) 3000 84'29"
06 企業團體組 大昌行集團 巨大動力3.0 (IMP) 3200 72'23"
07 企業團體組 大昌行集團 野人 (MEHK) 3900 84'07"
08 企業團體組 大昌行集團 步步友 (CYT) 2800 90'11"
09 企業團體組 大昌行集團 NGO (NGO) 1000 92'56"
10 企業團體組 大昌行集團 Zoe Yeah Yeah Yeah (ZOE) 1400 92'49"
11 企業團體組 大昌行集團 大昌行物流 (D-LOG) 2800 89'12"
12 企業團體組 大昌行集團 喳渣林部隊 (OKAY) 2100 86'33"
13 企業團體組 Microsoft Hong Kong Microsoft Hong Kong (MSHK) 2300 89'17"
14 企業團體組 Telstra Foundation Hong Kong Telstra Foundation Hong Kong (TFHK) 2500 73'50"
15 企業團體組 Panda Benefits Company Limited Panda Benefits Company Limited (PDB) 2200 68'02"
17 企業團體組 GENBAND GENBAND (GBND) 2700 92'28"
18 企業團體組 香港寬頻網絡有限公司 HKBNNOC (NOC) 3900 74'03"
19 企業團體組 香港寬頻網絡有限公司 深港通 (SHT) 3300 92'42"
20 企業團體組 香港寬頻網絡有限公司 白飯任Team (RICE) 3400 71'52"
21 公眾教育體驗組 香港教育大學 愛深小小探險隊 (LSSS) 700 82'32"

機構簡介 About St James’ Settlement


St. James' Settlement (SJS) has been established for over 65 years since 1949 by Bishop Ho Ming Wah of Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui. It is a non-profit multi-service organization which provides high quality and comprehensive service to meet the deprived needs of our society. It enables individuals to help themselves as well as others, so as to build an integrated and harmonious community. In 2003, SJS started to operate the first local food bank, People’s Food Bank (PFB), to alleviate the problem of hunger by providing short-term food assistant. In responding to the changing needs of our community, People’s Food Bank has developed various programs to meet need including a canteen for elders, children and elders’ nutrition scheme, hot meal service and Happy Shopping Fair, which are beneficial to different underprivileged people to relieve their financial burden. All these programs can achieve our mission- It is more blessed to give than to receive.

According to the report given by the Commission on Poverty, the poverty rate of Sham Shui Po was the highest among 18 districts. People’s Food Bank is one of the unit which provides charity services, including not only Short-term Food Assistance, and also hot meal service since 2013 with donation. We provide free hot meal for the poor families and deprived elders, to cope with their needs of daily food and nutrition.

活動目的 Objectives

“Let Eat Go” City Orienteering Program is a fundraising program organized by PFB. The objectives of the event are to give the participants an opportunity to feel and learn about Grassroots’ lives in Sham Shui Po, and to support hot meal services for the deprived groups of the public with their compassion.

All donation raised will be allocated to support hot meal services for the deprived elders and underprivileged families after the deduction of event cost.

活動詳情 Programme Details

參加者於1.5小時內自行規劃路線,前往由大會於深水埗區內預設之「任務點」(Checkpoints),以可上網之流動裝置掃瞄二維碼(QR Code),並完成當中之「過關挑戰」。「任務點」將按距離及難度設不同分數,比賽以計分形式進行,高分者勝,若同分者則以最短時間完成賽程者為勝。 參加者可自行帶備食物 (罐頭、麥片或米)背著跑,完成全程則有額外分數。當完成比賽,有關食物將捐贈予眾膳坊食物銀行派發予有需要人士。
Participants are required to plan their own route leading to a number of “Check Points” where they will scan QR Codes with their mobile devices to obtain information for completing checkpoint missions. Scores of each check point varies, depending on the distance of the checkpoint and difficulty of the missions. Any team, individual or family group which gets the highest score wins, whilst in the case of equal scores, the ones finished earliest wins. To win extra scores, participants are encouraged to bring food (canned food, oatmeal or rice) and carry them through their journey, after which the food will be distributed among the needy by PFB.

  • 重要日期 Important Date
  • 活動日期
    Date of the Event
    2017年9月9日 (星期六)
    9th September 2017 (Saturday)
    Enrollment Date
    19th June 2017
    20th August 2017
    Event Place
    嶺南大學香港同學會小學 (九龍白田街33號)
    Lingnan University Alumni Association (HK) Primary School
    ( 33 Pak Tin Street, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon, Hong Kong)
  • 參加者類別 Divisions of Participants
  • 參加者類別
    組合 企業團體組
    形式 以企業或團體名義組成隊伍 (3-4人一隊)
    對象 歡迎企業、學校、教會或組織組成隊伍參加。歡迎每個團體派出多於一隊參賽。
    基本捐款額 $4,000 / 隊
    活動進行時間 10:00 - 12:00

    Divisions of Participants
    Categories/Types Corporate
    Combinations of each Team Teams of 3-4 from Organizations or Corporations
    Targets Corporations, schools, religious organizations and organizations are welcomed to form team to join.
    Each organization can form more than one teams.
    Parent / Guardian Consent Form is needed for participants aged below 18.
    Min. Donation Amount $4,000 / team
    Time Slot 10:00 - 12:00
    Participants are requested to arrive at the venue 30 minutes before the event starts for registration.
  • 選擇 Selection
  • 自備以下食物,背著跑可獲額外分數。每人只可選擇一款。
    選擇 選擇A
    (1 -5KG)
    (700g- 1000g)
    2 罐罐頭豆豉鯪魚 或 1 罐罐頭茄汁焗豆
    (400 - 600g)
    額外分數 300分 200分 100分

    Carry your own food throughout the City Orienteering Competition and gain Extra Points.
    Each participant can only choose one of the followings:
    Selection A
    Rice (1 -5kg)
    Oatmeal (700 - 1000g)
    2 cans of Fried Dace Black Bean or
    1 can of Baked Beans (400 - 600g)
    Extra Points 300 200 100
    *After the event, the food above will be donated to the needy by People’s Food Bank.
  • 備註 Remark
  • 備註:

    * All Corporate / Organization Teams will be invited as Supporting Partners, and the company logos will appear on all online & offline promotional materials and backdrop (subject to progress of production).  

    Donations of any amount will be greatly appreciated. Donations and sponsorship reach the following amounts, donors will be acknowledged in all online & offline promotional materials and backdrop (subject to progress of production) and under the following categories:
  • 贊助 Sponsorship
  • 贊助類別
    Sponsorship Acknowledgement Categories
    Amount of Donation
    Diamond Sponsor
    港幣 $200,000
    HK$200,000 or above
    1 (香港寛頻人才CSI基金)
    (HKBN Talent CSI Fund)
    Platinum Sponsor
    港幣 $100,000
    HK$100,000 or above
    Gold Sponsor
    港幣 $80,000
    HK$80,000 or above
    No limit
    Silver Sponsor
    港幣 $30,000
    HK$30,000 or above
    No limit

比賽成績及獎項 Results & Awards

As the calculations of scoring take times, so the results will not be announced at the end of the event, only the highest fundraising award will be awarded on that day.

  • 成績公佈頒獎安排 Result Announcement
  • 組別
    Announcement Date and Time
    Corporate Teams
    9/9/2017 19:00 - 22:00 本活動網頁
    Result will be announced on the Event Website
  • 證書 Certificates
  • 於指定時間內完成活動,活動後可於報到處領取完成證書。
    Participants who reach the destination within specified time period will be awarded a Certificate of Completion at the check-up counter.
  • 獎項 Awards
  • i. 本活動設冠、亞及季軍
    There are a champion, a 1st runner-up and a 2nd runner-up for this event.
  • ii. 每個組別設有最高籌款獎
    One Top Fundraising Award
  • 獎品 Prizes
  • 獎品 企業團體組
    冠軍 聖雅各福群會藝想服務500元現金券及升級再造獎座 每位隊員各得乙份
    亞軍 聖雅各福群會藝想服務400元現金券及升級再造獎座 每位隊員各得乙份
    季軍 聖雅各福群會土作坊250元現金券及升級再造獎座 每位隊員各得乙份
    最高籌款獎 升級再造獎座 全隊乙個

    Champion One upcycling trophy and $500 * coupon for each team members
    1st Runner- Up One upcycling trophy and $400 * coupon for each team members
    2nd Runner-Up One upcycling trophy and $250 # coupon for each team members
    Top Fundraising Award One upcycling trophy
    *St. James’ Creation Cash Coupon
    #St. James’ Ground Works Cash Coupon

    冠亞季軍頒發定於2017年9月23日(六)上午10:00-上午11:00在慈惠軒舉行 (慈惠軒地址:九龍石硤尾大坑西邨民興樓地下1-3號)。
    Awards Presentation for the Champion, 1st Runner-Up and 2nd Runner-Up is arranged on 23rd September 2017 (Saturday) at 10:00a.m.- 11:00a.m. in Kindness Centre (Address: Shop 1-3, G/F, Man Hing House, Tai Hang Sai Estate, Shek Kip Mei, Kowloon).

注意事項 Remark

  • 注意事項 Remarks
  • I. 參加者需自行帶備可上網之流動裝置
    Participants are required to bring Mobile Device with Internet Access by their own.
  • II. 因活動需要體力勞動,並有可能在炎熱的天氣下進行,參賽者應按個人的身體及健康狀况,慎重考慮是否適合參加
    Participants should be aware of and understand the risks involved in taking part in his/her race, and acknowledge the degree of fitness required to take part therein. It is the sole responsibility of a participant to ensure that he/she is physically fit to participate in the event and possibly hot weather.
  • III. 由於本活動於市區內進行,基於安全為活動大原則,請各參加者須遵守交通指示過路
    For safety reasons, participants are reminded that they must abide by the traffic regulations.
  • IV. 為響應環保,本活動不提供選手包、紀念T-恤、飲用水,務求令活動大部份收益運用於提供熱飯予有需要人士。
    Becoming alert to the need to protect the environment, no race kit, tee, and water will be provided, and more raised funds can be used to help our service beneficiaries with hot meal services.
  • V. 大會已為活動購買第三者保險。如有需要,參加者可因應個人狀況自行購買個人及其它相關保險。
    The organizer purchases Public Liability Insurance for the event. Participants, prior to the participation of the event, should purchase insurance to protect their interests, including injury or death. It is the participants’ own duty and responsibility to ensure the insurance coverage.
  • VI. 所有參加者不能與他人轉換參賽組別,轉換手帶。
    Entry teams and wristbands are non-transferable.
  • VII. 如參加者虛報個人資料,大會有權取消其資格及成績,已報名之捐款將不獲發還。
    The Organizer reserves the right to disqualify, exclude any person from the event to applicants who provide incorrect personal data / details on the entry form. No refund of donation will be entertained under any circumstance.
  • VIII. 大會保留修改及解釋所有條款之最終權利。活動不接受任何即場報名或逾期報名。
    The Organizer reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions without prior notice. Late entry and on-site application will not be accepted.
  • IX. 未達基本捐款之報名表格將不予受理。
    Application which does not reach the minimum donation amount will not be accepted.
  • X. 本會將以參加者於報名表格填寫的姓名印發參加證書。
    Participant’s name showed on the Certificate of Completion is refer to the name provided on the application form.
  • XI. 如遇上述惡劣天氣情況而活動取消,有關資料將於大會網站公佈,所有基本捐款及其他捐款將不獲退還。此外,若大會認為當日的天氣不宜作賽,將保留取消本活動之權利。
    Adverse Weather Arrangement

懸掛時間 (比賽前2小時)
Time of the warning/ signal is issued
(2 hours before the start of the event)
Typhoon Warning Signal No. 3
Typhoon Warning Signal No.8 or above
Amber/Red/ Black Rainstorm Warning
A.M. Session
8:00 如常舉行
Held as Usual

Should the event be cancelled due to adverse weather conditions or any other unavoidable factors, announcement will be made on the event website. All donations collected will not be refunded. The Organizer reserves the right of final decision of the event.

網上登記 Online Enrollment

如有任何查詢,可電郵至[email protected]或致電3421 0448。

The enrollment of St. James Settlement “Let Eat Go” City Orienteering Program has been closed. Thank you for your support!
Should you have any enquiries, please email to [email protected] or call us at 3421 0448.

查詢 Enquiries

電話 Tel  (852) 3421 0448
電郵 Email  [email protected]
網址 Website  https://society.sjs.org.hk/LetEatGo2017/

鳴謝 Acknowledgment

Strategy Partner

Diamond Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Supporting Partners

免責聲明    |    Copyright © 2017 St. James' Settlement. All Right Reserved.